(See Zechariah 14 on the Feast of Tabernacles and all Nations)
[original message from OKBS]
OKBNS Sukkot 2007
-WOW! What a great time we had!
We had thirty-two people from eight households at our Sukkot gathering—including sixteen youngsters between the ages of two and eighteen. One family was represented by three generations! People came from Oklahoma, Texas, and Kentucky.
Everyone had so much fun that each household volunteered to help plan next year's gathering before they were asked to do so. They just saw themselves doing the job and started talking about how things could be done, then agreed to take it on. Baruch Hashem for volunteers!
Well, the pictures can tell the story better than I can, but one thing we didn't get pictures of was the men learning to trout fish. However, once they started cleaning the fish, it turned into a class with the kids gathered `round. That we got pictures of.
Ok, go look at the pictures and start making plans to be with us next year!
Sukkot 2007
Larry reading the Greeting from Rabbi Yoel Schwartz
and Sukkot Teaching from Rabbi Yoel Schwartz
See all of the pictures of the event at the site of origin: http://www.okbns.org/Sukkot_2007.html |
Service From the Heart by Oklahoma B'nai Noah Society
Preview this book - The siddur is now available in PAPERBACK storefront on their distributor’s website at http://stores.lulu.com/okbns.
Description: This is the first book to combine prayers and customs for Biblical service to God for the descendants of Noah. Sections include Biblically based prayers, daily readings, wedding ceremony, funeral service, explanations of how to fulfill the commandments given to non-Jews, and more--with pages for notes and additions to make this book your own. Based on the covenant given to Noah and his descendants, this is not a new religion, but rather a return to the original faith of mankind as practiced by Noah, Melchizedek, and other non-Jewish Biblical figures.
~~ Watch out for its release in amazon.com and barnsandnoble.com also watch out for its release in hard cover ~~
[Prayer book used for the first time at the OKBS Sukkot]